3 Topics
Need help? Create a thread here and ask us questions! Please utilize the bug reports function to report bugs, not this forum!
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Feedback and Suggestions
Have feedback about an event or feature? Or suggestions for the game? Post here! Please keep in mind that not all suggestions are added, but all feedback and suggestions are reviewed!
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Design Review Help
A section to post threads seeking help if your design is sent back. Only staff should be answering questions here!
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General Discussion
A place to talk about general souls things, from your favorite dragons, to lore!
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Roleplay Boards
A place to freely roleplay your souls-Between characters! Please read the pinned post and be mindful of our rules!
Sub-Forums: Looking For: Roleplays, Character Sheets
0 TopicsNo Topics Yet.
Dragon of the Month
Vote for the dragon of the month! Read the pinned thread first!
42 Topics
Selling and Trading
A place to post ads for selling and trading. Ads must be about selling or trading Souls items/dragons for either other in game items/characters or other ARPG/Artwork. You may not post ads selling of other arpgs items/characters in the forums unless you are trading for Souls things!
Sub-Forums: Genotype Ads, Dragon Ads, Nesting Slot Ads
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Looking For
Post your looking for ads here! Looking for ads may only be for Souls items and characters!
Sub-Forums: LF Genotypes, LF Dragons, LF Slots
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Dragon Leasing
Post your dragon leasing permissions here!
Sub-Forums: Looking For Leases, Archived Leasings
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Commission Postings
Post about commissions here! This area also covers posting things for design commissions.
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Community Raffles
A place for the community to host their own raffles!
8 Topics
Talk about Non Souls things here! Can be your favorite movies, games, etc!
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References and Resources
Have a cool guide on how to do something like paint water or code your profile page? You can share it here!
Sub-Forums: Artwork Resources, Coding Resources, Writing Resources
0 TopicsNo Topics Yet.
Forum Games
A place to play forum games, such as counters/etc!
1 Topics