Item Categories


Characters can own 1 items in this category!

Backgrounds are allowed to be placed on the background of characters - you do not need any extra items to add a background.

Background boxes give 5 copies of the background.

To update your character's background image:

  1. Attach the background to the character's inventory by going to the item in your hoard, selecting it, and select transfer to character. 
    1. Characters can hold as many backgrounds as you wish. 
  2. Submit a design update with the updated image uploaded. In the comments make sure to note you are changing the background.

Backgrounds are allowed to be flipped on imports horizontally only.


Characters can own items in this category!


Characters can own items in this category!


Characters can own items in this category!


Boxes refers to anything that can be opened and gives you other items. 


The following are considered boxes:

  • Gift boxes from the Dragon's Gift shop
  • Carcasses 
  • Dragon's Blood
  • Activity chests

Dragon Awards

Characters can own items in this category!

A selection of awards that can be granted to a dragon's inventory. These should never be placed in the inventory of a player - instead players gain awards! 

11 results found.