
A bronze tier custom purchased during the OSAS event. 

OSAS customs must follow the following rules: 

  1. All have lineage 
  2. all use the point system detailed below 
  3. A max 15 points may be used
  4. All custom slots cost 1, but may incur additional costs for certain species and upgrades.
  5. Up to 5 markings are allowed without the use of Dragon's Blood. 
  6. Up to 3 mutations are allowed to be added 
  7. The following conditions exist for Coat types and marking: 
    1. If Imperial coat is chosen, no mythic mark may be added 
    2. if Angora coat is chosen, no rare mark may be added 
  8. Players must include the OSAS Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 token to be able to add the following:
    1. Stage 2 Token: Rare or Mythic Mark 
    2. Stage 3 Token: Angora or Imperial coat (can be swapped for a rare or mythic marking) 
    3. No Stage 1 token exists 
  9. skills, Breaths, and Aberrant state are not allowed to be applied.


Custom Add on Point breakdowns

Species cost:

  • All bronze tier species cost 1 OSAS Gem (the cost of the item)

Coat Build:

  • Velour: Free
  • Feathered & Plated: 1 Point
  • Angora: 3 Points
  • Imperial: 4 Points

Coat Color: No combo coats

  • Bronze: Free
  • Tarnished: 1 Point
  • Silver: 2 Points
  • Obsidian: 3 Points

Traits: (Horns/etc)

  • Common Trait: Free
  • Uncommon Trait: One Free, any upgraded +1 Point
  • Rare Upgrade: +2 Points
  • Mythic Upgrade: +3 Points

Markings: (Up to 5 total markings allowed)

  • Common: 2 Free, Rest +1 point. 
  • Uncommon: 1 Free, rest +2 points
  • Rare: +3 points, max of 1
  • Mythic: +4 Points, Max of 1

 Mutations: Up to 3 total

  • Common: 1
  • Uncommon: 2
  • Rare: 3
  • Mythic: 4
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[![OSAS Bronze Tier Custom](]( Bronze Tier Custom)
Category: Special
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