SB-2076: Firefly's Count Logs

Sender Recipient Quantity Log Date
SpectralHauntings -22 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -76 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -42 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -10 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -77 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -10 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -61 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -60 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -35 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -45 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -10 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -23 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -10 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings 933 Potion Used (⭐⭐⭐ Premium Cured Meat used) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings 633 Potion Used (⭐⭐⭐ Dumpling Stir Fry used) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -10 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -39 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -65 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -72 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -10 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -31 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -46 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -95 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -56 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings 757 Potion Used (⭐⭐⭐ Dumpling Stir Fry used) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -13 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -44 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -35 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -73 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago
SpectralHauntings -10 Dungeon (Lost in the dungeon) 2 months and 4 weeks ago