the heat of battle part 1

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Krios roars as he pull the god stalker off his necked and pin him back to the ground. "Little wyrevn think he can be brave and bite me. Ha ha ha nice try." he saw Nora coming back for another fire breath attack He grab Knight and use him as a shield for the fire.

Nora saw that but she catch what Knight was yelling at her.

"Do it Nora just do it." he yelled but he could see in the look in her eyes as her flames bath and lick at Krios who he heard laughing and toss Knight aside like a doll. His body burn a bit but he would be fine when he heals up.

Nora came in for another attack but not using her breath but teeth and claws. "I will make you pay for what you done."

Hara and Dalinda both got up and watch the fight happen. That seem to look for a weak spot that could both attack. Hara look at Dalinda. "We need to go for the belly. I find it the weak and soft spot for most if not all creatures." she ruff her feathers as she look at Krios. "As Knight and Nora keep him busy we should try to attack there. Maybe use are breaths if we can."

Dalinda nodding as she like the idea. "And if he catch on to us?" she asked looking at Hara.

"Then we back off and think of a new plan of attack." Hara charge tower Krios as he was busy fighting Nora and Knight and aiming for the belly. She saw Dalinda going on the other side as both clamp down on his side of his belly. She was right his belly was soft.

Dalinda did not lose any time as she use her radiation breath and heard Krios roar of pain seeing some hide and flash melt a bit along with blood dripping. It may of been one thing but Dalinda felt sick at the tests and smell. Then she smells burnt hide and know that was Hara lighting breath. That when Krios tail came smacking into her face and sand her tumble backward with a part of Krios hide in her mouth.

Hara kept her jaws lock on Krios as he try to get her with his tail as she saw him trying to get Nora. He could not deal with all of them at the same time and it click in her mind. If that all attack him at ones he can't hit them all at the same time unless with his breath.

Nora seem to have him on her and only her for now as the others attack but look at at Hara. "Use your wind breath at the sand now."

Hara let go of Krios as she did kicking up sand in Krios face with her wind breath and hearing him roaring out as he got sand in his eyes. The sand idea was good but for how long will Krios be blind and how much can that do to him. Batter then just thinking Hara use her lighting breath at the wind she made and heard his roar of pain.

Krios blindly swipe around him but he miss ever time as he snrals and listens only hearing the lighting breath from one wyrevn. Where were the other three? he thought as he listen but that when he felt the heat two times over on his face and try to snap his jaws around whoever it was but miss. "You think blindly me will help you? Ha ha ha i laugh at your foolish attacks little wyrevns."

Dalinda had waited for this time and she came changing tower Krios who was blindly trying to attack her friends. She aim for his hind leg and ram her bull horns right into him. She hear the pained roar from him before feeling teeth around her leg and being pull right off her claws and flying into the air and roll around in the sand. "Is that the best you got?" she roared. She may have been thrown around like a human kid toy but she was still going to kick his tail.

Nora look to Dalinda as she saw how wounded but it was Krios looking worst for wear. Wounds that given him but did not slow him down which made Nora snarl. So batter then just flying there Nora reckless dive tower Krios back and and digs her claws into his scale feather back. She put her flaming breath on his neck putting the heat on him.

Knight jump in as he breath flames at Krios while he still blinded. Making it easy to attack when he can't see you coming but only hear you coming. Knight could hear Nora yelling at him. Something about watch out but it was too late and Krios claws swipe him off his claws and he fall to the sand. Dazed and having the wind knock out of him he try to focus but it was heard as he blinked few times. He could hear Nora angry attacking Krios and Hara and Dalinda roaring and attacking Krios too.

Hara use her wind breath but Dalinda combine her radiation breath with the wind making a twirling windy radiation breath at Krios legs as both wyrevns work as one to keep going. It seem like there attack hurt him a lot but then Hara saw his eyes open red from having sand in them he had this wild look at the four of them but Hara know Nora was out for blood. Dalinda look at Hara wondering if that should pull back but Nora was most likely not going to listen.

Nora was lost in her angry as she snap her jaws at his neck trying to tear open a wound. "You will go down no matter what." she growls as she claws and bites him madly. She could see where her teeth and claws had made damage but it was not enough to slow him down. She then clap her jaws on his head and breath fire more. Burning most of his feathers he had there and on his neck.

Krios toss his head and try to get the pink stalker off his neck. "What more can you do little wyrevn?" He laugh before shooting lighting at Knight who roar and try to get up but he could not.

Hara snrals before letting lose her own lighting at him. She was careful not to hit Nora who had stop using her fire breath and just went with tooth and claw. Hara was having lighting match with Krios as she narrow her eyes.

Dalinda jump in beside her and then spitted her poison breath at him hopping to land a hit on one of his many wounds. She miss most but one shot got him in the eye and he roared. "Bulleye." Dalinda growls seeing the pain he was now feeling. Dalinda use this time to drag Knight away from the battle as that all need to back off to lick there winds.

Hara help Dalinda but look to see Nora still attacking. "Nora we need to fall back now."

Nora did not want too but she had to for Knight sake so she did just in time as Krios try to grab her but miss.

That laa carry Knight ot safe spot where humans had set up healing safe zone for dragons and wyrevns alike to heal.

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the heat of battle part 1
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In Events: General ・ By purpleshadowboosterContent Warning: a bit of blood




Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Personal bonus + 1
Story Event + 4
1254 words + 12
<b>Total = 21</b>



<b>Entry rolls gain points.</b> + 0
Events (annual and Story) + 15
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Extra Dragon (2) + 2
Extra Dragon (3) + 2
Extra Dragon (4) + 2
150 Extra Words (1) + 1
<b>Total = 24</b>

Submitted By purpleshadowbooster for AoT Phase 2: Torched Path
Submitted: 2 years and 6 months agoLast Updated: 2 years and 6 months ago

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