team sister squad part 1

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The sisters may look like that been defeat but that where not going to so easily be taken down and stop even from the likes of Krios. That where tired and a bit hurt but that would keep fighting until he was stop and taken down for good. Someone like him roam the empires was not good thing for anyone.

Kalda was pin to the sand by Krios and she snrals. He may have her pin but she was not out of the fight just yet and smirk cross her muzzle when she saw Krios look at her. That was it she she let lose her wind breath at his face.

Krios one eye that was not cover by ice sting with sand when Kalda use her wind breath to kick up the sand into his eyes. He move and then when he did that he know he let Kalda go free but act quick to get her pin but miss and just hit the sandy ground. A angry snarl left his jaws. He thrash about the sand trying to find Kalda. In his blind rage he did not see Kalda and Hecate about to attack him.

Hecate and Kalda work together as that both use there ice breath or Kalda would use her wind breath to blow Hecate ice breath over his body. The two then went in and went claw and teeth on his back hind legs as that champ down and hear him roar as he swing left and swing his claws at Hecate. She would snarl and just hold on as his claws cut her hide open. She felt the blood run down her body but she was not going to let go. She and Kalda had to give her two other sisters time to catch there breath and join in.

Agash and Isolde watch the two go at Krios. that both had to catch there breath as that had work on freezing his head and face but it was melt. That both saw Kalda use her wind breath to blind his one eye with sand but for how long? And the ice over his other eye was melting and that both had to act fast. He was really going at Hecate from what the two saw. Isolde look at Agash. "So a plan to help are sisters out? that hold him as long as that could but we need to help now or he could hurt them badly. Hecate taking most of the hits and i worry she will get badly hurt if we don't do anything."

Agash look at her and nodded. "I may have idea. Kalda use her wind breath to kick up the sand into his one eye. When the ice melt from his other eye get ready to use your wind breath sis. We need o keep him blind so we can hit him hard and fast." Agash look at Isolde. "Then we use are breath attacks on him as are sisters claw and tear at him. Then maybe we can take him down for good."

Krios one eye sting from the sand in it as ever time he try to open it it hurt and he could see Hecate and Kalda blur shape from the ice wall over his one eye. He smells the blood from Hecate wound and then saw her tail or will the shape of her tail and grab it with his mouth and pull her from his hind leg. no matter how hard he pull she was not letting go. Hecate had kick up sand with her back claws and kept her teeth lock on his hind leg. Krios let go of her tail but snap at her back leg and that made her let go and swipe him across the face. That broke the ice wall as he let go of her back leg he grab her by the chest and pin her on her back.

Kalda growls with her mouth still lock on his hand leg. Damn it she thought seeing how Krios got to Hecate who broke the ice wall over his eye too soon. she look around for the other two and not seeing them but whatever that may have plan that need to act now. That when she saw Isolde come flying tower Krios with her mouth open.

Hecate saw that and close her eyes. Feeling sand being blow over and around her but she could hear Krios angry roars and pain roars. She use this as her get away but smack his face with her tail as she got away and join up with Kalda and grab the leg she had been going for and but this time she was beside his tail and saw that she and Kalda had his tail block. That had to hold him for as long as that could until night fall.

Isolde then went for Krios front legs and breath her ice breath trying to freeze him to the spot. Was not easy with the sun at it highest point of the day and the heat in the air. She look at Agash as a way of telling her to use her shadow breath. Maybe just maybe if that block the sun with her shadow breath then it will not melt so fast. It was worth a shot and she really hope it will work.

Krios growls his eyes sting with sand in them and he could not see but he could hear them and smell them. "You think freezing me will do you any good? We are in a desert and the very sun will melt your pitiful ice breath in no time." he laugh at there trying so hard. He let lose his lighting as he try to hit any of them with his blindly attack.

Agash move out of the way when she saw the lighting come shooting pass her and she growls. It was now or never. She let lose her cloud of shadow over Krios as it start to block out some of the sun but not all. She kept going adding a touch of ice into the shadow breath giving it a chilling feel.

Isolde need to stop him from using his lighting breath but how? She look around but look at her sister. Idea came to her but her sisters had to retreated from the fight but not for a long. She spotted a canyon not to far from here. "You three let go." Isolde roar at him as she fly's down to land on the sandy ground and race tower the canyon.

Agash came down beside and follow her. "You have a battle plan?" she asked looking back to see the other two.

"Isolde can have any battle plans." Hecate grinned seeing the canyon coming into view.

Kalda look at Hecate as she laughs. "No matter what we have plans but sis you going to tell us this battle plan or we going to have to wait?" she stop and heard Krios behind them.

Krios heard them running and follow the sounds of them running. "Get back here and fight me you cowards." he may of been hurt but he was going to get them.

"Will then. He on to us." Agash said as she ran. "Should we try and slow him down?"

Kalda and Hecate look back. It was Hecate who look at her. "No let him follow as it may help with what Isolde has planned."

Isolde nodded. "The canyon will be good to take him down. As i said i" she was stop as she and her sisters ducked in time as Krios lighting breath almost got them. "Will that was close."

Kalda snrals and use her ice breath at his lighting. Freezing it a bit as it melt and stop him from using it. "Will let go kick his butt."

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team sister squad part 1
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In Events: General ・ By purpleshadowboosterContent Warning: a bit of blood




Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Personal bonus + 1
Story Event + 4
1318 words + 13
<b>Total = 22</b>


<b>Entry rolls gain points.</b> + 0
Events (annual and Story) + 15
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Extra Dragon (2) + 2
Extra Dragon (3) + 2
Extra Dragon (4) + 2
150 Extra Words (1) + 1
150 Extra Words (2) + 1
<b>Total = 25</b>

Submitted By purpleshadowbooster for AoT Phase 2: Torched Path
Submitted: 2 years and 5 months agoLast Updated: 2 years and 5 months ago

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