a cold battle PT 1

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The snow getting blow around by Scylla wind breath was picking up more snow and blowing it around them all. As the wind breath die down so did the snow flying around the group but the battle was not over and it seem the heat or will the cold chill of the air was just setting in.

Jkull was in the air when all of this went down hearing the battle before the snow calm down and he saw Aedin but Moth was on her back and helpless and if Scylla see that she would most likely go for her. In flash he fly down and over Scylla let lose flames over her fur and feather wings. When he look back there was some patches of burnt fur and feathers but he melt the ice on her wings but where the burnt feathers good enough to keep her down?

Scylla swing her head and try to grab Jkull tail but miss but she did see what he had done to her and use both ice and wind breaths combine at Jkull sanding him flying backwards into some pine trees. Stopping him as she turn to deal with Aedin who was mad dog on her arm. Scylla grab Aedin by the shoulders and try to get her off. "Get off you little wyrevn." She pull harder.

Aedin felt teeth in her neck as she grip her teeth into Scylla arm harder. The pain she could feel right now was burning as she was being pulled but Aedin was not going to let go for one bit of this fight and she was going to get Scylla to focus on her and only her to let the others attack. She will take all the hits and pains for them all.

Moth was helpless but she hears the battle raging on as she flaps her wings to try and roll over but got help from Kat as she had ran from Scylla after her attack. Moth was glad for her help as she got up but saw Aedin state and seeing the teeth wounds Scylla was leaving on Aedin. It made Moth mad as she growls and let her angry get the batter of her she changers reckless at Scylla.

Kat try's to stop her but could not as she then use her wind breath at Scylla and had the snow cover Moth charges. Kat was worried that Moth will get herself killed but on the other claw she know she had close bound with Aedin as sister. Kat shake her head as she see Jkull looking at her.

"Aedin!!! what is she doing? Scylla going to kill her if she does not get away." Jkull growls a tone both angry and worried. He had just met her and now he could end up losing her and he was not going to stand for this and with out thinking follow moth moves and he use his fire and ice in a fire that was both hot and cold at Scylla face.

Scylla look up to see two stalker charger and one of got her in the chest sanding her few steps back in the snow as she look and grab Moths horns with her short arms before let go of Aedin and grabbing Moth by the neck and tossing her like a rag doll across the snowy ground. That when she was hit by Jkull flaming ice breath to the face and she use her wind breath to try and blow it away but was doing no good as flames burn some of her fur but the ice melt by the flames but the wet fur freeze in the cold air.

Moth shake off the attack and snrals. Seeing Jkull attacking her she took the chance and grab her other arm with jaws and keeping her from using her short arm claws.

Kat see both Moth and Aedin and see a plan in her head now. She hope the two could keep a hold of her as she look around. She then joins up with Jkull and using her own ice and wind breath at her face. She stops and look at Jkull. "Use your flames." She toss her head tower Scylla wings.

Jkull sees what she was trying to tell him with out giving there plan up. The batter that Scylla does not know what there up too the batter that have a chance with attacks. He stop using his breaths as he took off into the air and that Kat using her breaths was his cover get away from Scylla.

Aedin shoulder hurt a lot but she did not let go as she watch her half brother take off into the air and wonder what his plan of attack was. She look to see Kat keeping Scylla busy on her and see Moth on the other side of Scylla. Aedin can hear Scylla growls and roars at Kat attack and saw that Scylla was trying to attack back. That when she heard her half brother using his flames and look as he burns Scylla feather wings and it hit her. If her feathers are burnt off she can't get into the air like that can.

Scylla roars as she felt the heat on her wing and the teeth in her arms. The stalker that was in froth of her her attacks with her breath where getting annoying as she flaps her wings she found she could not get off the ground with the two on her arms. That where just to heavy to pick up. Getting them off was another thing for her as she took Kat attack she try to get Moth off first and grab her by her neck. She then saw Jkull coming in over head and burning her wing feather.

Moth felt the pain in her neck feeling a rush of something she was unsure what it was but she felt it give her energy to fight and she pull on her arm to get her to focus on her.

Kat saw that too as she grab Scylla attention by hitting her with her ice breath to the face but she just had her eyes on Jkull who was not watching his back. "Jkull look out." Kat roar at him.

Jkull over over his back to see Scylla ice breath coming tower him and he duck down and away from it in time as he shot flames at her. "Nice try but my team mates are watching my back." he growls baring his teeth.

Scylla roars at Jkull as she then shakes herself to try and free herself of the stalkers but that held on for there life. She need to get them off but how as she growls before using her ice breath at Aedin then at Moth and then back at Aedin. That did not work and the pesky wyrevn held on to her. She watch Jkull and when he came back she move herself to the point she grab Jkull leg and pull him down and pin by have her claws over his chest.

That when Aedin let got and growls as she let lose her flames at Scylla leg. "no one hurt my brother." she roar with a fury.

Scylla felt the flames burn her as she roars in pain.

Moth took this time to pull Scylla on her side and throwing the abyssal off as she move to not be under the fallen abyssal and got beside Kat and saw Aedin getting Jkull up and move away.

That all watch as Scylla got up she look like a mess with patch of fur missing and teeth marks all over but it was the look in her eyes as she stare at them.

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a cold battle PT 1
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In Events: General ・ By purpleshadowbooster


Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Personal bonus + 1
Story Event + 4
1300 words + 13
<b>Total = 22</b>


<b>Entry rolls gain points.</b> + 0
Events (annual and Story) + 15
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Extra Dragon (2) + 2
Extra Dragon (3) + 2
Extra Dragon (4) + 2
150 Extra Words (1) + 1
150 Extra Words (2) + 1
<b>Total = 25</b>

Submitted By purpleshadowbooster for AoT Phase 2: Siren Song
Submitted: 2 years and 5 months agoLast Updated: 2 years and 5 months ago

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