[Trade] Morality Trials | Io, Myr, Yggdrasil & Songbird | Part 1

In Trials ・ By Tyrantina
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Finding a trusted mentor can be, at times, a very difficult task. For hatchlings growing up in the Frigid Empire, however, it is even more so. While some are fortunate enough to have parents and siblings and a whole flock of older dragons to take care of them, others are forced to seek out friendly companions to help them on their way.  


For Myr, Io and Yggdrasil, finding a mentor is just that, a troublesome task. They have wandered together, alone, for what feels like a great many weeks now. Yggdrasil is the most confident traversing the snowy landscape, but even he has his limits, especially with two other young dragons depending on him to keep them safe. The feline wandering around with them also doesn’t seem to help when it comes to sharing out food and finding a shelter big enough for them all.  


Recently, they have encountered a new companion who has decided to join their little adventuring group. A vibrantly coloured Warden by the name of Songbird has been padding along after them through the snow, playing with Myr and Io like a group of excited kittens. They pounce on one another, kicking up piles of snow and covering themselves in icy water.  


Io is the closest in size to Songbird, the two of them almost evenly matched during their scuffles. Myr is much smaller and less bulky than the other two but is much more experienced with flying and avoiding their attacks. More often than not the ravager will simply perch above the two larger dragons and whack them from above.  


Occasionally the three will attempt to team up and take down Yggdrasil, but his large, moose-like horns make it more than a little difficult for anyone to get a good hold on him. One twist of his head and the thick, keratin growths stab into anyone bothering him.  


Despite the group enjoying themselves for the most part, survival is never an easy accomplishment, and on one particular day, it was harder than most.  


Snow and hail had been pelting down on the group for a good few hours, steadily growing heavier and heavier. They had all gathered under what at the time seemed to be a sturdy tree, with branches that stretched high above them, adorned with thick leaves. The ground where they were hiding out the storm was covered in a deep layer of snow, but thanks to Myr’s fiery breath, the area was quickly cleared.  


Unfortunately, the snow only began to fall harder, weighing down the branches and letting more snow fall down onto the gathered dragons below. They were quickly beginning to get overwhelmed with the amount of snow, regardless of how hard Myr was trying to melt it. Io and Yggdrasil were doing their best to dig and Songbird was trying to flap away any other falling ice.  


Just as they’re beginning to get overwhelmed with the intensity of the falling snow, it all suddenly stops. There’s no more ice falling down on them, despite the storm still raging on around them. Myr is the first to look up above them, spotting a massive wing creating a canopy over them all. He blinks in surprise and follows the length of the dark wing until he spots the body it belongs to.  


A massive Ravager stands above them, wing outstretched to keep the four hatchlings below out of the storm. Her throat is wrapped in a thick layer of fur, almost like a scarf to keep her warm against the blizzard endlessly battering against them, and the brown skin of her wings are streaked with an icy blue. When she breathes, her breath lacks the heat that most wyverns possess, and from her wings tiny snowflakes lazily drift down.  


Yggdrasil instinctively puffs up at the large dragon, protective of the smaller dragons under him. He shakes his horns at the stranger with the biggest roar his baby body can produce. Unfortunately, the other dragon doesn’t seem to be concerned by his display. In fact, she’s so unworried that she leans down and scruffs the Warden, easily lifting him off of the ground.  


Both Io and Myr are uncertain about this new dragon who seemingly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of such a dangerous storm, but Songbird seems to know something they don’t because she excitedly starts leaping around at the Ravager’s feet. So much so, that when the wyvern starts walking away, Yggdrasil still in her grasp.  


Eventually, upon figuring out that the adult is going to leaving the area with both Yggdrasil and Songbird, the Sapiere and Ravager hatchlings are quick to follow after them. The snow is so deep that it comes up to their chests making it difficult for them to struggle through the soft powder. Luckily for them, the older dragon starts to clear a path with her larger feet once noticing the three hatchlings are lagging behind.  


The walk isn’t too far, however, as after only a few minutes they come across a large cave opening. Without waiting for prompting from the adult, Io and Myr quickly race into the safety of the natural shelter. Myr shakes off the snow stuck to his feathers, only to immediately get drenched in a new layer thanks to Io doing the same in return.  


Ignoring the two hatchlings now wrestling with one another, the Ravager plops Yggdrasil down on the ground, ignoring him as he hisses at her, sprinting away and back towards his little group. Songbird chirps to the Ravager, earning a lick to the top of her forehead. Her feathers take a moment to bounce back, seeming to amuse the older dragon slightly.  


When she settles down, Io, Myr and Songbird all happily trot over and curl up at her side. She’s surprisingly warm despite her icy breath, and her feathery body and fluffy mane and tail are comfortable places to sleep. There’s a brief disagreement between Io and Myr, the two dragons playfully snapping at one another, but it’s quickly put to rest with a grunt from the adult.  


There’s a long standoff between Yggdrasil and the stranger, with the former still growling and hissing at her. But after a while, the younger dragon begins to grow tired and, after seeing how comfortably the other hatchlings are resting, starts to slowly slink toward them. He cautiously curls up beside Io, eyes still narrowed at the other dragon suspiciously, but it’s only a few moments before he’s drifting off to sleep.  

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[Trade] Morality Trials | Io, Myr, Yggdrasil & Songbird | Part 1
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In Trials ・ By Tyrantina

"Finding a Mentor" First morality trial for Io, Myr, Yggdrasil and Songbird.

Please note, Dynasty is only there as a mentor for them to find and is not getting her trials from this entry.


CC for Io

Celestial Feline + 10
Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Background + 4
Trials + 2
1058 words + 10
Total = 30


CC for Myr

Celestial Feline + 10
Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Background + 4
Trials + 2
1058 words + 10
Total = 30


CC for Yggdrsil

Celestial Feline + 10
Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Background + 4
Trials + 2
1058 words + 10
Total = 30


CC for Songbird

Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Background + 4
Personal bonus + 1
Trials + 2
1058 words + 10
Total = 21


CC for Dynasty

Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Background + 4
Personal bonus + 1
600 words + 6
Total = 15

Submitted By Tyrantina for Trials of Morality
Submitted: 8 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 8 months and 1 week ago

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