[OSAS] STAGE #3 - 1

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The unconscious silence finally stirred as Insornia came to slowly. His head was seemingly out of reality and unaware of its surroundings. Murmurs finally shook him out of his slumber. Chaliyn stood talking to the rest of the elders who were impatiently twitching about—their fins swaying against the slow current. Insornia suddenly remembered he was underwater as his eyes fluttered open and he gasped for air. It filled his lungs, his mind had forgotten the spell in his unconsciousness.


You’re awake… good. These guys wanted to wake you but I was hesitant to allow it. Chaliyn stood at his bedside, the elders slowly waiting at the edge of the room. 


Good thinking… I clearly needed the rest. It’s been some time since I’ve had an episode like that. The warden eyed him with a sad look but some weariness was hidden behind her expression.


We need to talk about what happened. I know this likely isn’t something you want to disclose, but the circumstances have changed. I will help you through whatever it is. We are already here and the secret is out. She was firm in her demand for answers but soft in tone.


Insornia sighed nervously eying the elders attempting to listen in on the telepathic conversation. Chaliyn quickly blocked out whoever else had ears and shooed them out of the room. She looked back at the ragged Insornia who was quiet but seemed to be recovering at least physically. 


Well… I think you know what I am. I promise I’m not insane or like the others. I’ve waited all my life to turn into some mindless monster but it never came. In all the stories I’ve heard, you feel yourself dissolving in mind and soul. But I was always like this, never anything different. The first time I encountered another corrupted soul, touching them I was able to absorb some of their affliction and well - they regained clarity for a few days before returning to their previous state. 


Chaliyn listened to his explanation quietly until the last part. Do you think the rayfin from earlier will revert?


Insornia looked away and thought for a moment. I’m not sure… I wouldn’t be surprised. But the first time I could physically feel the corruption, this time I couldn’t feel anything. In myself nor the rayfin. Cleansing is the best term I could think of but I’m not positive.


The long-furred dragon sat looking at the ground. Her tail swished across the floor. We’ll need to come up with an explanation to the elders. We shouldn’t lie to them - we need their trust after all. I’ll back you up, this is not a power you can use to cure all of their people. Does that sound alright to you?


Yes. Insornia was never prepared for this conversation. He had put so much effort into keeping his secret. Before long he and Chaliyn exited the room to find an elder sitting in the hall. He perked up seeing the two land dwellers start up a conversation.


I have something to tell the elders. Insornia spoke up first, his nervous jitters hidden by the water currents in the hall. The rayfin nodded excitedly - great I’ll let the others know. Wait here. 


The elder turned but stopped still in the water. Rumbling slowly escalated into tremors in the tunnels. The land dwellers felt claustrophobic all of a sudden and grasped for anything to hang on to.


It’s here again. The elder was quiet in his mind but Chaliyn and Insornia understood it meant danger. The elder raced away and the two dragons followed swiftly. They rounded corners until they came across a large room with sheltering rayfins.


The elder turned towards them, the monster is back. That thing is what started the affliction. Please. Use whatever you did previously and help us. We are begging before this gets out of hand.


Insornia looked taken aback - he stammered for a response but the elder swam to help the nests above them. He felt a brush against his side, Chaliyn looked at him with a tragic smile.


Even if we can’t help - let’s face this thing and give these dragons time to get out of here. Without another thought, she rushed towards a dim exit that other rayfins were pouring out of. 


Insornia felt another pit of darkness in his chest, but he pressed on. He felt as though he could trust the female. As they swam through the tunnels it became more difficult to breathe. Insornia reactivated his water-breathing spell as they hit the outside of the abyss caverns. It was nearly pitch black outside, only lit by the crystals that hung on the walls. Something moved in the darkness but they couldn’t quite catch the so-called monster. As they shifted around looking for anything Insornia felt that pit well back up inside of him. He felt a presence from underneath as he quickly bolted out of the way.


A massive head emerged from the depth with razor-sharp teeth and no visible eyes. Its body was nearly black, but as its head grew closer to the crystals on the wall its scales reflected the light. 


That looks like a rayfin! Chaliyn swam towards the crystals hoping to draw the eel closer. It’s massive, truly a leviathan. Watch out, it could snap you in whole if you aren’t careful. Insornia warned, it suddenly became a crushing weight on his body. He was distracted by the weight as another similar creature slammed into him from below. He clawed into the head hanging on for dear life as it shook him.


It’s got multiple heads! At least two - his connection with Chaliyn was cut short as he caught a glimpse of a third head going straight for her. The first head now just turning around. The crystals dimmed as the heads were shrouded in darkness. The sea grew cold, and terrifying without any light. Insornia began to worry as it was increasingly more difficult to see. As he held onto the head, more deep sea creatures began to surface and illuminate the giant rayfin. It was much larger than even the elders they had seen. It was wild and erratic in its demeanor. It had one drawback though, it was painfully slow. Moving its massive body underwater took work so it was easy to avoid if they just had enough light. 


Chaliyn struggled between the two heads, dodging with less and less room. She swam upwards as the density of the crystals grew. It was much lighter at the top. The two heads followed her and as she turned back she saw the rest of the body emerge from the darkness. The creature hissed and bubbled as it lunged at her. Now bringing its third head towards the top. Insornia held on but as the creature opened its mouth he launched himself away.


He hit the side of the chasm wall watching as the three heads began to corner Chaliyn. There was only one more option in his mind. He used all of the muscles in his body to propel himself to the creature. He latched onto the neck of one of the heads and siphoned the affliction from its body. The creature screeched and stopped its pursuit of Chaliyn, instead turning towards Insornia. He noticed and waited as the other two heads reared up and lunged towards him. He severed his connection with the head and watched as the two remaining heads bit right into each other. 


Chaliyn joined him as they watched the hydra snap and bite at its other heads. They all fought. They’re blind… that’s it. Insornia watched as the leviathan took itself apart. Gnawing faster as it felt the pain. It was too late when it realized it had only been targeting itself. It had sustained far too much damage by this point. It snarled and looked around, but the scent of its blood masked the two dragons above. It hissed and slithered back into the depths.


The danger was quieted for now. Insornia had doubts about their plan but, maybe this was a start to figuring out how this rayfin had been corrupted in the first place.

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[OSAS] STAGE #3 - 1
0 ・ 0
In Events: Story ・ By Alliion
CE Count:

Added Dragon + 2
Personal bonus + 1
Event + 2
1366 words + 13
Total = 18


EE Count:

Entry rolls gain points. + 0
Events + 15
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
150 Extra Words (1) + 1
150 Extra Words (2) + 1
Total = 19

Submitted By Alliion for OSAS Stage Three
Submitted: 5 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 5 months and 2 weeks ago

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