[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Morana ]

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[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Morana ]


While Tew and Agravain were rather used to traveling together, Agash was a new addition to their duo for the past few days. At least the light minty sapiere was rather good at keeping up and in fact was a strong addition to the duo. With all the corrupted gryphons around these flying islands it was getting more and more dangerous to be moving through them in smaller groups. Agash was the biggest out of the three, definitely dwarfing Tew and also being a good chunk larger than Agravain, her strength backed up her size that was for sure. That extra size and brawn was exactly what Agravain and Tew had needed when roaming through these unexplored floating islands.


Tew continued taking on the role of mostly just investigating and running around collecting things and scouting, it was what he was best at afterall. They of course had their celestial feline Dune by their side as always who occasionally let out a soft merp to let the emperor know of anything they might’ve missed. Agravain kept by Agash’s side, the dusty brown basileus was happy to take things a bit slower. He wasn’t long and slender and agile like Tew was, in fact he was convinced the small emperor was more snake or weasel than dragon. Either way the three of them continued onwards investigating the odd flora and fauna of these flying islands. Tew had his satchel once again and was taking samples of different plants, an odd coiled up flower here and a few strange iridescent brightly coloured feathers there.


A variety of colourful and exotic plants crowded the islands with odd small animals that darted between the foliage as the three dragons trotted through. A small stream cut through this particular island before flowing over the edge and spilling down into the clouds where it seemingly disappeared long before hitting the ground. It was easy to see how the gryphons had lived up here for their entire lives, there were definitely enough animals and space for them as well as foliage and water. In fact it felt like a whole different world, things mirrored the world below on the ground but everything was a bit different. Separated from the rest of the world and having taken its own paths in changing and adapting things often felt like a slightly different reflection of the lands the three of them were used to. 


Tew’s wandering was cut off but a low growl and the snapping of branches, their large ears easily picked up on the sound and the darker brown fur along their back quickly stood up bristling. Dune was tense coiling its tail around Tew and letting out a soft warning sound its ears also pricked and pivoting towards whatever had made that sound. Agravain had been keeping a closer eye on his companion and was quick to let out a snort towards Agash who was investigating something a little ways away. Both of the larger dragons moved forwards to stand by their smaller companion knowing that Tew was an easy first target for anything aggressive.


A rather large figure made itself shown, glowing red eyes fixated onto them and an off sickly feel and look to it. It was one of the infected gryphons the three had been warned of, the vulture-esque one named Morana to be more precise. He was definitely ill, Tew could sense that deep curling unnerving feeling of corrupted magic radiating from him. Tew knew there were other groups of dragons about that were capable of helping these corrupted gryphons but to report Morana’s location they were going to have to get past him first, which seemed like it wasn’t going to be as easy as asking him to move aside not with that crazed look to his eyes. 


Morana was the first to make a move lunging forwards with a wild growl, he aimed directly for Tew who let out a hiss and ducked away. Thankfully Agash was large enough for the smaller dragon to dart under her, though that did leave Morana skidding to a halt and turning around to snap at her instead. Agash immediately flared her wings, the eye-like markings on the bottom of them exposed as she reared up teeth gnashing as Morana barreled into her. While Morana was smaller than Agash he was definitely plenty fierce and capable of matching the larger dragon's ferocity. The two of them ended up rolling into a ball of feathers, teeth, scales, and claws with Agash using the spikes on her tail and legs to her advantage while Morana tried getting a good grip on her with his talons.


Eventually Agash won out the scuffle, grabbing Morana by the back of the neck and tossing him to the side. There was a thump as the gryphon landed harshly crushing a bush of colourful flowers under his weight, his talons dug into the ground as he scrambled to his feet prepared to launch at Agash a second time. He was interrupted by Agravain however who clamped his jaws down onto the gryphon's back. There was a harsh screech as Morana twisted and blindly lashed out towards the light brown dragon. Agravain was forced to duck back from the flurry of attacks before opening his mouth, a build up of frigid fog gathering from his throat as the only warning before he let out a blast of icy cold wind. With another harsh snarl the frigid wind and shards of ice crashed into Morana who jumped back growling.


Tew had sneakily scurried up behind the gryphon and took the moment of shock from him to dig their teeth deep into his tail. It was a bit of a struggle getting past the rugged tough scales that ran down Morana’s tail but Tew had small thin teeth that were able to wedge between the gaps of his scales. A sizzling sound could be heard as a bright green glowing liquid spilt out of their mouth coating Morana’s tail in an odd corrosive goo. It burned and ate away at his protective scales earning another growl as he yanked his tail from Tew’s mouth, flicking it with enough force to produce a harsh snapping sound and send the goo flying off his tail. However, Tew’s saliva had a corrosive element to it leaving an obvious spot of chemically burnt scales in which the damage had already been done.


Morana stumbled back from the three dragons flaring the cream and red fluff around his head as a warning display. Drool was dripping from the gryphons mouth as it let out a harsh hiss, there was a moment of stillness as all four of them took a second to wait for the next one to move. Agash was the first one this time rushing forwards and slamming her shoulder into Morana knocking him over. There was yet another harsh thud and grunt as the gryphon was pinned under Agash’s weight as she held him down her talons digging into fur feathers and scales. Morana writhed horrid sounds leaving his throat at he snapped and clawed at the dragon on top of him. Agravain was able to dart forwards and help hold him down teeth digging into his wings, Morana let out another cry and with a sudden burst of strength rolled and kicked up at Agash. Talons dug into the sapiere’s soft belly causing her to hiss and stumble back, that was enough for the gryphon to throw Agravain off.


Morana let out another growl before turning tail and fleeing to the edge of their current floating island they were on, plunging off he disappeared beneath the clouds seemingly retreating for now. Agravain and Agash were both left scratched up meanwhile Tew was perhaps the best off though they weren’t a fighter to begin with. After a moment of waiting to see if Morana was coming back Tew would shepherd both of his companions towards the shade of some trees. Thankfully the emperor had brought some healing items to patch up Agash and Agravain. Tew went ahead and poured some of their magic into said items to quicker their effects as well knowing that these islands were far from safe. While Tew worked Dune was sitting on the edge of the clearing Morana had abandoned taking on the role of guard. Even though Dune wasn’t large or intimidating the celestial feline was great at noticing things before others and could at least be an early warning system.

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[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Morana ]
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In Events: Story ・ By SpectralHauntingsContent Warning: PG-13 Violence

Word Count: 1420

Submitted By SpectralHauntings for OSAS Stage Three
Submitted: 4 months and 1 week agoLast Updated: 4 months and 1 week ago

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[[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Morana ] by SpectralHauntings (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** PG-13 Violence](https://soulsbetween.com/gallery/view/431)


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