[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Matriarch 2 ]

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[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Matriarch 2 ]


Having bumped into the matriarch once, Tew, Agravain, and Agash had instead been sent out to search for her specifically this time. She had slithered away from their last confrontation but was still lashing out and causing issues for other dragons. Having been the ones to spot her last it was now requested of the three of them to try and subdue her, even if only temporarily and of course note down her current location much like last time. At least they would all be heading into their encounter with the ghostly noctua prepared this time, hopefully she wouldn’t sneak up on them again however.


Tew once again was the one showing off their skills out of battle by tracking the matriarch, while the emperor was definitely the least battle inclined out of the three they definitely made up for it with their scouting, tracking, and healing. With their muzzle low to the ground Tew would do their best to keep on the matriarch’s trail, alas every now and again it was broken up by the gryphon seemingly taking off to fly but with the help of Dune the three never strayed too too far from it. The celestial feline Dune was a surprising amount of help, this time joining Tew on the ground instead of wrapping around them the feline would give its companion a soft meow anytime it noticed something they missed.


Agravain and Agash on the other hand stayed a few steps behind, while they were both looking out for any tracks or traces of the matriarch themselves their bigger job was mostly to try and make sure nothing jumped them from behind. Better to leave the main tracking to Tew who seemed to have it rather decently handled than potentially muddle up the emperor’s trail when neither of them were quite as efficient as they were. At least the rocky fields weren’t that bad to traverse through being mostly flat and only having the occasional stream or tree breaking them up.


Long grasses flowed in the soft breeze that was a constant up here on the floating islands, every now and again Agravain couldn’t help but sneeze as they tickled their muzzle but it was far from the most bothersome area they had tracked something down in. In fact the emperor’s original home of sprawling deserts was much worse with the harsh beating sun and sudden sandstorms. At least here all they had to worry about was the grass poking and tickling at them and the occasionally pollen laden clump of small colourful flowers that dotted these valleys here and there. Thankfully none of the streams were wide nor evolved into rivers making it so that they were a rather negligible obstacle that could easily be trodden through.


Eventually the trial led to the edge of the current floating island the three dragons were on, with a soft sigh Tew would straighten up and scan the closest neighbouring islands for any sign of which one the matriarch might’ve moved to. At the same time their celestial feline Dune would double check the tracks didn’t double back on themselves and head back into the island they were on right now. Agash and Agravain would join in searching the immediate area, that was until something caught the corner of Tew’s eye causing the emperor to call out. There had been a quick flash of silver, it had been there for perhaps only a moment or two but it was better than wandering aimlessly searching for the trial again.


With a nod both Agravain and Agash would join Tew’s side while Dune clampered onto its companions back before the three dragons took off. Agash and Agravain both lept off with powerful flaps of their wings while Tew had to conjure up magic to float through the air behind the two dragons. Nevertheless the three of them all made it to the next island landing safely down onto squishy marshland grass. This island definitely seemed to be more wet than the previous one with marbled breaks in the grass exposing small streams of water webbing throughout it and reeds poking up from the bunches of grass. Each step the three dragons took was met with soft slippery muddy soil beneath them that sunk slightly under their weight.


But what was more important was the few silvery partly transparent feathers littering the ground just a few feet in front of them, it definitely seemed like they were on the right track and while anxiousness started bubbling amongst the group they would all press on much more cautiously. Body’s low to the ground the three would spot another flicker of silver between tall strands of grass and reeds, small wisps flitted around the figure which definitely confirmed it as the matriarch if the glowing mystical feathers didn’t.


Agash was the one to take the lead slowly easing herself towards the gryphon before suddenly bursting out of the long grass, snarls and screeches erupted as she threw her weight into the noctua. Water splashed underfoot as Agash slid to a halt with the matriarch stumbling back a few paces herself at the harsh shove. The gryphon fluffed its silvery feathers and let out another shrill cry, this one a warning, at the minty coloured sapiere who just growled in return and began circling the gryphon.

Tew and Agravain both took the distraction to slink forwards, with Agravain immediately pouncing towards the gryphons behind once he was close enough. Meanwhile Tew was quick to slink to the side and prepare a breath attack from afar. The matriarch was quick however, whipping around and landing a small flurry of swipes of the back of Agravain’s neck causing the dragon to snarl and duck backwards. Thankfully his horns and spikes protected him from anything too deep however, though with the matriarch's attention on him for now he’d take the time to snap a few warning bites at her, often only catching a few feathers but keeping her attention nonetheless.


Tew took the momentary distraction to dart in taking a bite at one of the long feathered tails of the matriarch allowing his glowing saliva to sizzle and burn at her tail. This caused her to whip around ready to snap at the emperor instead, however Agash was quick to intercept throwing her weight at the gryphon once more. However, this time the sapiere grappled the matriarch with her front talons attempting to toss the slightly smaller gryphon to the ground. There was a bit of a wrestle but eventually the matriarch went down with a splash as she crushed grass and reeds under her body. 


There was a pause as the gryphon hit the ground before writhing and getting to her feet in seemingly record speed, though Agravain was there to meet her with another harsh bite. This time to the shoulders earning the basileus a harsh screech as the matriarch tried to twist around and snap at him with her beak. Agravain held on biting hard and wrestling the gryphon to the ground again the two of them rolling around in the swampy soil before the gryphon ripped herself from his grip leaving him with a mouthful of feathers. Tew, having prepared another breath, was immediately there to blast frigid ice at the gryphon as she tried stumbling to her feet causing her to yelp and buck under the blow.


Agash went to get another bite in only to be met with a hiss as the gryphon just barely writhed out of the way immediately attempting to dart out of reach. There was a moment of hesitation as all four of them stood eyes locked onto each other, that was until the matriarch turned tail and ran. She attempted to launch herself into the air after a few paces only to stumble and need a second take off, her flying was lopsided and clumsy as she fled this time. At the very least the injuries the three of them had left her should at least keep her busy tending to them instead of harassing other dragons wandering by.


Tew let out a soft sigh as he watched the gryphon fly off, hopefully this time their attacks would stick with her and they wouldn’t be called out again. The emperor was quick to make sure he jotted down their current location for future reference and to report to the others just so that anyone else hopefully stayed out of her range for a bit. They then as per usual took up their job of healing with vials and bandages in hand, Dune stayed snuggled close against their neck as Tew fussed over both Agravain and Agash. Thankfully the matriarch had seemed a bit more flighty this time, perhaps due to their last encounter having left her injured, either way the two’s injuries weren’t that bad. At least nothing Tew couldn’t patch up with magic, potions, and bandages out here in the field.

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[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Matriarch 2 ]
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In Events: Story ・ By SpectralHauntingsContent Warning: PG-13 Violence

Words: 1496

Submitted By SpectralHauntings for OSAS Stage Three
Submitted: 3 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 months and 3 weeks ago

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[[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Matriarch 2 ] by SpectralHauntings (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** PG-13 Violence](https://soulsbetween.com/gallery/view/449)


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