[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Azreal]

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[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Azreal]


Agravain had been jumped while a little ways away from Agash and Tew, a sickly looking gryphon had launched at him out of nowhere. Weird purple goop dripped from its gaping beak as it had attempted snapping at the basileus. Agravain had thankfully reacted fast enough to duck out of the way, he really didn’t want that thing's mouth on him, whatever that stuff dripping from its beak seemed horrid and unnatural. Skidding across the grass underfoot leaving talon marks in the soft soil, Agravain would flare his wings and lower himself to the ground ready to face off the odd looking gryphon.


It was the sudden silence followed by snarling and the sound of bodies clashing that made Tew and Agash realize something was wrong to begin with, causing the two dragons to quickly whip around and notice Agravain wasn’t with them. Rushing towards the sounds of fighting the two would notice the basileus tussling with an odd looking gryphon. The gryphon had a set of odd boney tails that leaked a weird purple goop, its dull grey body was only broken up by the purple glow to its wings and the weird purple sludge dripping from its jaws.


Agash was quick to launch herself forwards in an attempt to wrestle the gryphon away from Agravain, Tew on the other hand was fiddling with their satchel while their celestial feline Dune let out a hiss. Agash would grab at the grey gryphon, the mint sapiere’s talons digging into the space between the rigid scales nestled between its feathers while making sure to do her best to avoid the weird viscous fluid that leaked from its tail and maw. Tew continued to rustle through his satchel for a moment longer before pulling out a vial he Agash and Agravain had seen him use before, tossing it it shattered against the gryphon’s rump with a thick oily substance that burst into flames after a few seconds causing the gryphon to screech.


As the gryphon twirled around hissing at the burning oily substance across its hindlegs, Agravain took this moment to slam his body into the smaller gryphon causing it to be slammed into the ground. There was a yelp as the gryphon writhed under Agravain snapping blindly at the basileus who had to jump off it to avoid its harsh teeth. The gryphon was writhing and rolling attempting to rub off the oily substance and its flames from its fur and scales, while the substance burned quickly and was easily put out it still definitely hurt and did some damage. A few flowers were crushed under the gryphon and the rubbed off oily substance wilted and burned the nearby foliage leaving a small but notable area that showed where the gryphon had writhed against the ground.


Agash moved forwards before the gryphon could get up blasting it with her dark shadowy breath, earning yet another harsh screech out of it as it squirmed away from her before struggling to its feet and immediately launching at her its mouth open ready to sink its teeth into the sapiere. Agash was able to twist mostly out of the way but still got the top edge of her wing nipped, the gryphon's teeth grazing across her scales and leaving that sickly purple substance dripping off the edge of her wing. With a hiss Agash was quick to flap her wings harshly both to stun the gryphon and to hopefully get that goop off, she didn’t trust it and she swore it was ever so slightly burning her scales.


Tew couldn’t help but let out a hiss seeing the gryphon graze Agash, the emperor’s fur fluffed up as they prepared their ice breath. The gryphon preoccupied with the two larger threats didn’t notice the emperor behind it until there was a sudden cold blast of ice colliding with its back causing it to snarl and try to whip around and snap at Tew. Tew was however, rather fast and capable of ducking and slithering out of the way, being sure to keep their distance knowing that any distraction would give Agash and Agravain an opening.


Taking exactly that opening, Agravain would rush forward, teeth sinking into the gryphon’s wing as he snarled and bit down. There was a shrill cry as the gryphon writhed and tried lashing out at the basileus but Agravain ducked away keeping himself at an odd angle for the gryphon to reach and taking some of its wing feathers with him. Agash was quick to lunge forwards herself next, also biting down onto the gryphon, this time onto one of its hindlegs just above the hoof making sure to bite hard and yank it out from under it.


The gryphon went down with a cry before squirming away from Agash landing a few harsh kicks on her as it did, limping and with one wing held tightly against its body the grey gryphon would stumble a few steps back. Letting out a horrid hiss it would charge towards the three dragons but instead of attacking it rushed past them and disappeared into a nearby forest. With a slight sigh Agash, Agravain, and Tew would watch the gryphon flee before glancing at each other.


Tew was quick to jump into action, he didn’t like the look of that goop and desperately wanted to make sure that it didn’t have any lasting effects on either Agravain or Agash. With their celestial feline wrapped around their neck, its ears pricked for danger, Tew would lay out all the relevant healing items he had brought. The emperor was fussy batting at Agravain and Agash and making sure they showed them every single wound scrape or not they had gotten. There were a few wounds dripping blood onto the grass below but nothing too bad.


Framed by a soft sunset Tew would work at patching up the two dragons, he worked on Agravain first as he had been jumped solo and potentially taken some hits they hadn’t noticed. Once the basileus was cleared he was told to go lay down under a nearby tree and get some rest, much to his enjoyment. Agash was next and while she had gotten some of that odd goop on her it seemed to be rather easily removed and patched over without any immediate effects. However, Tew made sure to repeat multiple times that if anything felt off to tell them, they had no idea what that stuff was after all and it had a weird wrongness to it magically.


Once Agash was finished she’d lay down beside Agravain, the tree dappled the two dragons in weak light as the sun set behind them. Tew was cleaning up their supplies in the nearby clearing and was sure to dispose of anything that had that weird goop on it the best they could. Agravain let out a slight hush watching the emperor before glancing up, the tree’s bark was rugged and with how huge the trunk was this had to be a very old tree. Thick branches stuck out from its trunk with dense foliage clinging to them, there were a few flower buds nestled between the leaves. Perhaps a type of fruit tree? Either way it was nice shade for Agash and Agravain as they waited for Tew to finish up.

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[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Azreal]
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In Events: Story ・ By SpectralHauntingsContent Warning: PG-13 Violence, Slight Blood Mentions

Words: 1221

Submitted By SpectralHauntings for OSAS Stage Three
Submitted: 3 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 months and 3 weeks ago

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[[ OSAS: Stage 3 - Azreal] by SpectralHauntings (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** PG-13 Violence, Slight Blood Mentions](https://soulsbetween.com/gallery/view/451)


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