OSAS Stage 2: Andea and Decadence

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A soft breeze aided Koge’s flight as she quickly approached a village situated in the southeastern Sky Isles. Her lively pattern of flight was not appreciated by her Celestial Feline, her most faithful companion who always followed her throughout her adventures. The cat was holding firmly to her back, hoping to not slip away. Koge usually cares about her companion’s comfort during trips, but she could not permit to slow down as she must reach the citadel as fast as possible. There had been a couple of incidents related to corrupted dragons: it was nothing serious as no gryphons lost their lives or got dangerously wounded. Even if the situation is not dire at the moment, it doesn’t mean that it could escalate further if no effective remedy is issued. Being an aberrant herself, Koge is experienced in dealing with the illness, so for this reason she decided to volunteer alongside other dragons which had already arrived in the village.

Every few flaps she glided in order to make sure no aberrant cleanser vials, which she carried in a satchel strapped to her shoulder, got damaged.


Flower fields started to appear as the two got closer and closer to their destination. Soon the soil acquired a vast variety of vibrant colors due to the flowers. Bees flew from flower to flower as Koge caught a sense of serenity in the air. The wyvern took the opportunity to rest her wings once again, gliding, letting the wind carry her forward. Koge closed her eyes for a moment and allowed countless of sweet scents to  fill her lungs.


After the brief pause, Koge brought her attention back to her mission. It wasn't long before they arrived at the citadel. Koge could hear the clattering of the citizens even before reaching the citadel’s walls. She slowed down and prepared to land.


With a couple of quick flaps and a swift maneuver Koge’s feet could finally touch the ground after her long trip. She shook her sore wings and tucked them, allowing them to rest a bit.

Her Celestial Feline got off of her back, landing on the warm carved stone which made up one of the many streets of the village. The cat stretched as Koge scrolled, getting rid of the tension. Noticing her arrival several gryphons ran towards Koge. Some welcomed her, others, more concerned, pointed out the vials in her satchels or asked questions, meanwhile some preferred to give pets to the friendly Feline.


Two guards made their way through the crowd, and signaled Koge to follow them.


Escorted by the guards, Koge made her way towards the main plaza, where most of the wounded and corrupted gryphons were kept and taken care of by other volunteers or by their families. 


Koge thanked the two guards, who, after nodding firmly, returned to their duties.

The wyvern redirected her attention to the sick individuals.


One familiar dragon was nervously trotting around, asking volunteers and gryphons around, whilst a worried colleague supervised a wounded gryphon laying on the ground.

The Celestial Feline trotted towards the second dragon, followed by Koge. As soon as the dragon noticed her presence, a relieved smile appeared on her/his face.


“Koge! You’re finally here, what took you so long?” The purple and gold dragon jumped on his feet, happy to know that more help had arrived. The volunteer greeted the Celestial Feline as well, carefully scratching her chin with one claw.


“Hello Liatris, I’m sorry but the trip hasn't been one of the best ones I’ve had so far. Almost got lost twice! I’ve been flying for a while, but at last here I am.” Koge sighed, handing Liatris the satchel full of vials.


Happily taking the satchel in his paws, Liatris shouted to the other volunteer who was still questioning the other: “HEY Zenaida! Koge has finally arrived and she brought a bag full of aberrant cleanser with her!”


Zenaida turned around and trotted towards the group “Really?! Oh that's amazing, thank you so much.” Relieved, she took one of the vials in her hands, weighing it.


The black and tan gryphon, which was still laying on the ground, raised her head. “Does that mean good news?” she asked, her voice weak.


“Yes! Our colleague brought more remedies with her: we can cure your corruption.” Zenaida smiled at the ill gryphon.


“Oh that’s great.” The gryphon appeared to be relieved by the news. “Also, is it possible to get a cushion? The stones aren’t that comfortable” She continued, as she laid back down her head.


"Um maaayybe. I’ll ask people around.” Replied Liatris, glancing at the surroundings. “But let’s fix one issue at the time.” he continued, reassuring the gryphon, which nodded in agreement.


“By the way, name's Andea.” The gryphon spoke as Liatris applied the lotion to a veiny scratch on the side of her front leg.


The lotion sizzled as it came in contact with the corruption. Andea muffled a complaint as the reaction provoked a burning itch.

Zenaida reach out a claw and stopped the gryphon before she could scratch the wound, something that would have worsened the situation.

The sizzle gradually stopped as the blue veins vanished and a protective crust formed on top of the wound. Andea thanked the group, relieved, as Koge returned as well with a soft cushion, borrowed from another volunteer.


“Wonderful! Now, let’s go take care of the next patient,” encouraged Zenaida, “There’s still much that has to be done.”


Their attention got caught by another gryphon, this one a rusty red-brown, laying on the street’s stones. A fresh wet towel was placed on its head to help with a fever which afflicted it.

The gryphon exchanged a grateful glance as the group approached.


“Finally, I’ve been trying to get some attention from the past hour. Managed to get some volunteers to check me out, but they were already busy with another patient so they just gave me this wet towel.” The gryphon sighed and shook his head.


“Don’t worry, we’re here to help you out. We restocked on cleansers: you’ll feel way better once we apply it!” Zenaida said warmly, trying to reassure the ill gryphon.


“By the way, what’s your name?” Asked Koge, curious as she handed the gryphon her Celestial Feline, hoping that might help calm him down.


The gryphon gladly accepted the Feline’s presence. “My name’s Decadence. And In case you’re wondering how I got sick, a foul creature attacked me. Must have been a corrupted animal which passed me this illness, eventually reducing me to this state.” Decadence spoke as Liatris took another vial from Koge’s bag.


He looked to be in a poor state indeed, shivering from the fever and with his feathers in disarray.  As Liatris approached, Decadence lifted his wing, revealing a bite mark on his hind leg.  Dark veins were visible under the gryphon’s scales, and green liquid oozed from the injury itself.  The three dragons winced in sympathy at the wound, and Liatris carefully dabbed some of the cleansing potion on it.  Once again it sizzled, and once again Koge and Zenaida had to prevent their patient from scratching at it.


When the scab formed, Decadence relaxed, resting his head on the ground with a sigh.  “That feels significantly better, thank you,” he said.  The feline curled up next to one of his long ears, purring, and Decadence petted her, seeming to be comforted.  He had already stopped shivering, and with the discomfort from the corruption gone, he quickly fell asleep.


Koge, Zenaida, and Liatris gathered together for a moment, chatting about what they had done since they’d last seen each other.  It wasn’t long, though, before another gryphon showing signs of corruption was brought in and the trio returned to the important duty of saving the floating isles from the affliction.  It would be a tiring day, but they knew they could handle it.

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OSAS Stage 2: Andea and Decadence
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In Events: Story ・ By Raevenyx

Koge, Liatris, and Zenaida help cleanse the corruption from Andea and Decadence.

Word count: 1318

Submitted By Imagi-Nethat for OSAS: Stage Two
Submitted: 3 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 months and 3 weeks ago

Raevenyx: Writing
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