[Gift] A Sweet Reunion

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The air hung heavy with a palpable sense of foreboding as Sylvie and Cookie Dough traversed the lush landscapes of the Floating Isles. Their steps were guided by an unspoken determination. Cookie Dough fueled by the desire to explore this new realm and Sylvie by the motherly instincts to protect her daughter and the isles’ inhabitants from the encroaching darkness that threatened to engulf it.

It was during their journey that they stumbled upon another dragon like them. Much like Sylvie the unknown abyssal was sturdy and vibrant, with shimmering wings. As the duo approached a low guttural roar emits from the abyssal, wings tucked close to his body, primed for an attack. Sylvie rumbles an annoyed growl in response. 

“Mother, come he could be injured.” Cookie Dough pipes up, poking her head around her mother’s body, mimicked by her ever curious rosy-amethyst kitten sitting atop her head. “He doesn’t look like he’s affected by the corruption. Maybe he can help us.”

Not sensing any rising threats, the male abyssal visibly relaxes, wings unfurling behind him. “I am Ciodel, and I’ve gotten separated from my friends. But if you mean to cleanse the strange, savage creatures of these lands, then I will join you.” 

Sylvie simply rolled her eyes and continued down the trampled path before them, taking the lead point, leaving the abyssal to the care of her daughter. Traveling in silence, the three of them came upon an open field, or what seems to be the remnants of one. Giant ruins lay strewn across the still meadow, all signs of life stamped out with the looming aether. Though it would seem, not all of life had been chased away. A being shrouded in shadow, moved swiftly, hauntingly through the ruins, their presence a haunting echo amidst the tranquil beauty of the Floating Isles.

Drawn by an instinctual sense of duty, Sylvie and Cookie Dough approached the figure cautiously, their senses attuned to the subtle whispers of corruption that emanated from its form.

"Who are you?" Sylvie's voice, tinged with concern, broke the eerie silence that enveloped them like a suffocating fog.

The nameless creature remained silent, their gaze fixed upon the ground, their features obscured by the shifting shadows that danced around them like malevolent spirits.

Cookie Dough, ever the embodiment of youthful curiosity, took a tentative step forward, her eyes ablaze with a fierce determination. "We're here to help," she declared, her voice ringing with unwavering resolve. "Whatever darkness plagues you, we'll do everything in our power to cleanse it."

Sylvie, ever trusting in her daughter's resolve and determination, relaxed only slightly as she spoke. The soft caring tone her daughter used on this potentially dangerous creature was not unlike her own that she used to use. And so, reluctantly she stood in silence, watching the mysterious creature move without sound, dancing through the dilapidated remains. The three were greeted with an unusually adorable sounding voice, coming from a different part of the crumbling structures. 


“It’s been eons since your kind have visited us here.” The voice emerges from behind a crumbling pillar. A vulture's face with the hind legs of a hyena, they speak once more. “Forgive my companion, Tybalt is not in his right mind, neither of us are since the aether has gotten stronger.” She intentionally turns to walk toward Tybalt, pausing before sweeping her pink fleshy head back toward the group. “I am Andea, we will not harm you. Stay with us a moment, rest.”


“I don’t trust them.” Ciodel whispers aggressively to Cookie Dough and Sylvie. “That one there’s too calm, it’s creepy.”


Cookie Dough twacks Ciodel with her tail, a subtle movement against his scales to shush him, “Just as the aether is affecting us, they’ve probably been suffering here for too long. We’re going to help them. Not fight them.” 


Laughing proudly at her daughter handling their new found albeit aggressive companion with ease. Nodding back toward them, Sylvie is the first to get closer to Tybalt and Andea, rummaging through her satchel as she does. 


“I think we've got just the thing to help you both. Somewhere in this satch-ah! There it is!.” She exclaims before pulling out two vials filled with a strange vibrant aqua colored liquid. 


Gently placing the vials into Andea’s patient talons, she steps back to give the two friends some space. 


“Thank you kind stranger.” Andea bows courteously before drinking the contents of the first vial, then walking the rest of the way to Tybalt. She wraps her wing around his body, pulling him toward her as she opens his vial, pouring it into his slack open mouth. “Come back to me my friend.” 


Minutes pass painstakingly slowly as the two gryphons share a fleeting moment of peace before Tybalt’s eyes clear and fill with vigor again. His slit pupils are no longer the size of planets, empty and void of life. 


“Andea? Is that you? Whe-where are we? What is this place?” Expressions flash too quickly across his face, despair, relief, confusion all before his ears twitch to the presence of the others. “Who are you? What are you doing here?” 


Andea softly quells him in a hushed tone, “They are friends, they saved us.” Smiling sweetly from him then back toward the group. “They brought you back to me, without fighting, without want for reward.” 


Utter disbelief was clear to see in Tybalt’s eyes as he eyed the group suspiciously, “Dragons did that?! Surely you jest. You.” Gesturing with his tail presumably toward Sylvie, as she stood at the front of the group. “What do you want?” 


“My daughter and I came to the isles to seek adventure, but since our arrival, we’ve met many a strange creatures, some resorting to violence while others like yourselves, stuck in a loop, all lost to the aether. Thanks to the kindness in my daughter’s heart, we three and others are now out to find and lend our aid wherever we can.” Using her strength she drags Cookie Dough to join her at her side. “This is Cookie Dough, my daughter, and she only wants to help your kind break free of the suffering that the aether’s hold has upon you.” 


Cookie Dough stays silent but spreads her wings widely, offering a deep bow as she felt it was appropriate. Tybalt and Andea exchange looks, still embracing one another, before offering a simple bow back, acknowledging Cooke Dough’s actions. 


“A fine name for a fine young dragon. Come rest with us now that we have our wits about us, tell us of your travels thus far and of our brethren you’ve encountered.” As Tybalt says this, he releases his hold on Andea, walks over toward a tattered once brimming firepit and dips his head toward the ashes, igniting the dry overgrowth with the fire elementals wisping around his neck fluff.


As Cookie Dough follows and rests by the fire, Sylvie smiles and joins her, while motioning for Ciodel to join them as well. It’s been some time since they were in good company after undertaking this adventure. And so throughout the night, the 4 of them sat and listened to Cookie Dough recount their travels, their woes and foes along the way. Archimedes curled beneath Cookie Dough, content and sleeping.

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[Gift] A Sweet Reunion
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In Events: General ・ By kastianrogue

Has been approved for the event, simply adding to the sight for to sharing. <3

Submitted By kastianrogue
Submitted: 3 months and 2 weeks agoLast Updated: 3 months and 2 weeks ago

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