Submission (#15675) Approved

9 June 2024, 11:24:17 CDT (3 months ago)
10 June 2024, 00:18:17 CDT (3 months ago) by Feral-Ringo-Zebra
Player Comments
This form must be filled out and added to your prompt!

Entry Link:
All Characters in Prompt: SB-2067: KELPAR, SB-2053: MAKI, SB-2066: PENNY
Starter you are Facing: PRI-0016 Livyatan
-----I've already killed Livyatan! I'm just trying to get aberrant now from his blood moon curse! No combat pets / items are being used

Skills: N/A
Completed Trials: N/A
Pets: Harvest Wolf + Newt
Items: Empyrean Book

SB-2053: MAKI
Skills: N/A
Completed Trials: N/A
Pets: Harvest Wolf + Celestial Feline
Items: Empyrean Book

SB-2066: PENNY
Skills: N/A
Completed Trials: N/A
Pets: Harvest Wolf
Items: Empyrean Book

CE Total: 33
EE Total: 27
(Include the CE breakdown from the CE calculator)
Celestial Feline + 10
Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Background + 4
Personal bonus + 1
Event + 2
1218 words + 12
Total = 33

(Include the EE breakdown from the EE calculator)
Entry rolls gain points + 0
Events + 15
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Extra Dragon (2) + 2
Extra Dragon (3) + 2
150 Extra Words (1) + 1
Complex Background + 5
Total = 27

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You may provide minor updates/changes via this thread. Admins may also contact you for clarifications/fixes here.


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Thumbnail for SB-2067: Kelpar

SB-2067: Kelpar

Reward Amount
Exp 33
Thumbnail for SB-2066: Penny

SB-2066: Penny

Reward Amount
Exp 33
Thumbnail for SB-2053: Maki

SB-2053: Maki

Reward Amount
Exp 33

These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Book of Empyrean Book of Empyrean Received rewards from opening Chest: Premium N/A 1
Book of Empyrean Book of Empyrean Received rewards for submission (#14054) N/A 1
Book of Empyrean Book of Empyrean Received rewards for submission (#14437) N/A 1