Submission (#16290) Approved

27 June 2024, 07:37:41 CDT (2 months ago)
29 June 2024, 19:28:35 CDT (2 months ago) by Eulas
Player Comments
Expedition Type: Foraging

Entry Link:
Player Rank: 1
Empire: Kingdom of Radiance

Aberrant %: None
Skills: None
Completed Trials: None
Temper: Vigilant
Pets: Sapient Sunflower, Harvest Wolf
Items: Charm: Forager, Container: Basket
Active Status Effects: None

CE Total:
Fullbody + 2
Colored + 4
Shaded + 6
Companion + 2
Celestial Feline + 10
Added Dragon + 2
Background + 4
Personal bonus + 1
Expeditions and Quests + 1
Total = 32

EE Total: (Player Points)
Entry rolls gain points. + 0
Expeditions and Questing + 10
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Shading Complex + 5
Added Companion + 2
Complex Background + 5
Total = 24

Feedback Thread

You may provide minor updates/changes via this thread. Admins may also contact you for clarifications/fixes here.


Eulas Avatar
Eulas Staff Member
I gave some information about the companion bonus that were false, my mistake! It is actually granted when a human/humanoid character is present in the entry ❤️

2024-07-09 13:32:46

Werge Avatar
Salem is the sole artist of this one! They sent me the CE breakdown and it didn't even dawn on me to remove the personal art part, that's absolutely my bad.

2024-06-29 18:36:44

Eulas Avatar
Eulas Staff Member
Hello dear, would it be possible to know who the artist(s) of the drawing is(are)? Two players (Salem and you) submitted this entry and are claiming the CE personal bonus; if you both participated on the artwork, you will also gain the collaboration bonus +1! In the case where only one of you two did the artwork, only the artist can claim the CE personal bonus.

2024-06-29 17:43:42

Werge Avatar
Pinging this because I replied but it didn't make it a direct reply double oops.

2024-06-29 18:37:48

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Reward Amount
Herbs 2
Common Moth 2
Plant Fiber 1
Bananas 1
Conocybe Filaris 1
Sticks 1
Wood 1
Exp 22
Thumbnail for SB-2113: Lady

SB-2113: Lady

Reward Amount
Exp 29
Thumbnail for SB-2111: Hachimitsu

SB-2111: Hachimitsu

No rewards set.


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Container: Basket Container: Basket Received rewards from turning items into Moon Pool N/A 1
Charm:  Forager Charm: Forager Received rewards from opening Chest: Activity N/A 1