Submission (#5986) Approved

17 March 2022, 23:58:50 CDT (2 years ago)
22 March 2022, 20:45:24 CDT (2 years ago) by HigureGinhane
Player Comments
taming for Isolde, Kalda and Hecate with Agash as 4th dragon in two of the lit and Henga in one
Your dragon chooses to fight for their territory. Do they take on another dragon or a group of animals who have moved into their territory? Are they successful?

Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Personal bonus + 1
Nesting Rite + 2
1168 words + 11
<b>Total = 18</b>

<b>Entry rolls gain points.</b> + 0
Rites (nesting, taming, aether, etc) + 10
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Extra Dragon (2) + 2
Extra Dragon (3) + 2
Extra Dragon (4) + 2
150 Extra Words (1) + 1
<b>Total = 19</b>
Your dragon must be depicted as a hatchling, as they attempt to fly for the first time. Do they have parents teaching them, or are they learning on their own?
Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Personal bonus + 1
taming Rite + 2
1080 words + 10
<b>Total = 17</b>

<b>Free rolls do not gain any points.</b> + 0
Rites (nesting, taming, aether, etc) + 10
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Extra Dragon (2) + 2
Extra Dragon (3) + 2
Extra Dragon (4) + 2
<b>Total = 18</b>
Your dragon can be depicted at any age that isn't hatchling, as they attempt to learn to fly. Perhaps is goes well, but perhaps it takes some practice?
Added Dragon + 2
Added Dragon #2 + 2
Personal bonus + 1
Nesting Rite + 2
1253 words + 12
<b>Total = 19</b>

<b>Free rolls do not gain any points.</b> + 0
Rites (nesting, taming, aether, etc) + 10
Extra Dragon (1) + 2
Extra Dragon (2) + 2
Extra Dragon (3) + 2
Extra Dragon (4) + 2
150 Extra Words (1) + 1
<b>Total = 19</b>

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Reward Amount


Skill Amount


Thumbnail for SB-1236: Kalda

SB-1236: Kalda

Reward Amount
Deleted Asset 1
Thumbnail for SB-1284: Hecate

SB-1284: Hecate

Reward Amount
Deleted Asset 1
Thumbnail for SB-1268: Isolde

SB-1268: Isolde

Reward Amount
Deleted Asset 1


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

purpleshadowbooster's Bank

Currency Quantity