Submission (#6063) Approved

24 March 2022, 03:50:33 CDT (2 years ago)
31 March 2022, 15:04:35 CDT (2 years ago) by Ekian
Player Comments
Monthly Entry: 4th of March
Player Rank: Dragon Master
Player Occupation: n/a

Dragon 1 - This is you!
Dragon's Current Health: 783 (sorry I accidentally submitted my previous one without changing the health!)
Dragon's Weight Class: Heavy
Dragon's Magic: Basic
Dragon's Breath 1: Fire
Dragon's Breath 2: Poison
Combat Skills: Healing Aura
Combat Familiars: Basilisk
Combat Items: n/a
Armor: Aether
Loot Skills: Hoarder
Loot Items: satchel
Loot Familiars: n/a
Dragon Occupation: n/a
Dragon Temperament: Aggressive

Dragon 2 - NPC
Dragon's Current Health: 600
Dragon's Weight Class: Light
Dragon's Magic: High
Dragon's Breath 1: Fire
Dragon's Breath 2: n/a
Combat Skills: Steadfast
Combat Familiars: n/a
Combat Items: strength booster
Armor: Bone
Loot Skills: n/a
Loot Items: n/a
Loot Familiars: n/a
Dragon Occupation: n/a
Dragon Temperament: Vigilant

Feedback Thread

You may provide minor updates/changes via this thread. Admins may also contact you for clarifications/fixes here.


Ekian Avatar
You don't have a satchel attached to your submission, would you like me to remove the satchel directly from your storage and roll this with the satchel, or roll without it? ^^

2022-03-31 13:39:39

Stardestiny24 Avatar
Ah I forgot to delete that! Dksjfosjdb roll without satchel please!

2022-03-31 14:50:51

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Reward Amount
Booster: Aether 1
Deleted Asset 1
Slot: Tier 1 Starter 1
Deleted Asset 1
Armor: Bone 1
Thumbnail for SB-0961: Vidael

SB-0961: Vidael

No rewards set.

Thumbnail for ER1-0056: ✨ Imisseil

ER1-0056: ✨ Imisseil

No rewards set.