Submission (#8590) Approved

31 August 2022, 11:12:06 CDT (2 years ago)
1 September 2022, 22:32:33 CDT (2 years ago) by Cryptid-Horror
Player Comments
Expedition Type: Foraging
Free Roll?: Yes 1/4 August

Entry Link: N/A
Player Rank: 1
States: N/A
Empire: Shimmering Isle

Aberrant %: None
Skills: N/A
Completed Trials: N/A
Temper: Vigilant
Pets: Gleaming Newt
Items: Duffel Bag

Feedback Thread

You may provide minor updates/changes via this thread. Admins may also contact you for clarifications/fixes here.


I am so sorry! I didn't realize until after that I forgot to add him!

2022-08-31 14:40:42

HigureGinhane Avatar
HigureGinhane Staff Member
It seems you forgot to add dragons for all your expedition submission. Dragons would be added in the 'Characters' section by typing the ID # [ex. SB-0000]. For now, reply back here with your dragons' profile links for all your submissions. I'll manually add them for you.

2022-08-31 12:30:54

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Reward Amount
Wood 2
Deleted Asset 1
Deleted Asset 1

These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Deleted Item N/A N/A 1