AV-0012: Yerucan

Owned by KarasuShade@dA

 A gigantic, 20ft tall warden dragon. His Owner manage to get his egg from the blackmarket, able to bind the aggressiv and strong hatchling from the start on his side. Yeru, does showing enough traits of the wilderness of his parents and line, making him too dangerous and unable to get controlled by anyone else. His traits paired with his power and intelligence, makes it even more difficult. Sometimes you can even see the reflection of his sharp mind in his eyes, not telling you how MUCH he truely does understand. Even if he could simple get up and fly away, no one really able to hold this monster back, he choose to not do this and prefer to follow his owner. They both seem to have a more complex relationship as only pet and owner. Sometimes it seem a bit more like the bound of good friends or something like a father and child relationship.