SB-0326: Waheeda Uzuma

Owned by Maoo-nii@dA

Originally, Waheeda had a cold and detached personality. Focused and emotionless, she preferred to keep for herself instead of going out with other people. However, with the passage of time and knowing new people, she has become considerably more sociable, even acquiring a sense of humor and smiling occasionally, though she still maintains a distant attitude for the most part. Despite her usual reserved behavior, she initially possessed a slight level of arrogance, which, combined with her solitary tendencies, sometimes made him take the initiative without considering the opinions of others, since she was sure she could face any obstacle with her own strength, she was also much more hostile, to the point of inducing someone to resent. Waheeda is quite skilled in battle, being able to stay calm and composed. This girl, unfortunately, as understood by her character, has not had a beautiful childhood. In fact, the parents had left her and she had had to adapt to the wild lifestyle. Having lack of physical affection and contact with other people, she is not at ease in company and prefers solitude. Even if she has a calm temperament it is not uncommon to see her angry for something that annoys her. Fortunately, however, she found friends who love her and support her in every decision. And she is slowly opening up and smiling.