SB-0979: Reaver

Owned by RikVentures

Wild | Daring | Cunning

A true menace of the Scorched Empire, Reaver - named so by the Empire's inhabitants - is infamous for stealing various kinds of "treasure", ranging from shining armour pieces and priceless heirlooms to food rations and moth-eaten fabrics. Her unique markings and silhouette make her easy to recognise, and indeed, the locals who live within her scavenging territory are getting rather tired of the sight of her, as her reputation scares away most travelling merchants and caravans. Those who have seen her up close describe her as having an unsettling aura, something even more feral than the usual for wild Dragons. One theory goes that an Aemon attack left her partly corrupted, with neither her mind nor body ever recovering. How correct this theory is remains to be seen. Until then, her true nature, not to mention her hoarding habits, remain a mystery.

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