SB-1396: Fenix

Owned by AccursedLore

  Traits: Hoarder, Sly, Possessive, Recluse, Territorial

Fenix is your stereotypical dragon; he resides in a cave located in the mountains where he sleeps amongst his hoard of whatever shiny things he stole or acquired over the years. When he was young and dumb the shiny idiot thought a minean active mine - would be the perfect hoard site for him. He slept in a nook where he got his first experience with humans when one of the miners thought they had struck a precious gem - instead, they struck Fenix and he retaliated with chomping teeth and some... colourful choice of words. None of which the humans understood. 

The mountain he now lords over overlooks a vast land of grassland and forests ripe with game and plenty of opportunity to find odd trinkets and shinies to add to his ever-growing collection.  Coins, silver buckles, precious gemstones and even a crown or two. If it glitters and shines, Fenix wants it.

Fenix also isn't a socialite. He can say hello and if he tries hard enough he could make a friend or two... But why have friends when they could steal his shinies? He can't risk making friends with someone who could steal his shinies...

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