SB-1999: Feilian

Owned by Stardestiny24
Designed By: Stardestiny24
Art By: Stardestiny24

Character Details

Nicknames: N/A
Gender/Pronouns: Female (she/her)
Location: 2
Faction: None
Sex: Female
Species: Equila Gryphon
Temperament: Sinister
Diet: Carnivore
Genotype: bb/tt/Ss/nn+nPa/nSc/nAz/nCd/nOse
Phenotype: Scaled Azurite Silver with Cloud, Specter, and Pangare

Rank: Primordial

Trial of Ouroboros: Complete
Trials Of Morality: Incomplete
Trials of Aether: Incomplete
    Low Aether Class: Incomplete
    High Aether Class: Incomplete
Trials of Spirit: Incomplete
Trials of Class:
  • Knight Class: No Status
  • Maurader Class: No Status
  • Artisan Class: No Status
Crucible Rank: Rankless

Current Available Stat Points:

Current Health Level: 2

Current Health Count: 1100/1100

Total Health Count: 1100 (+ 0)


Current Attack Level: 1

Current Attack Count: 150/150

Total Attack Count: 150 (+ 0)


Current Defense Level: 1

Current Defense Count: 50/50

Total Defense Count: 50 (+ 0)


Current Bleed Level: 1

Current Bleed Count: 25/25

Total Bleed Count: 25 (+ 0)


Current Luck Level: 2

Current Luck Count: 2/2

Total Luck Count: 2 (+ 0)


Current Charisma Level: 1

Current Charisma Count: 1/1

Total Charisma Count: 1 (+ 0)

Armored Hide

Not unlocked.

Orchid's Blessing

Not unlocked.

Serrated Teeth

Not unlocked.

Generation: Second Generation

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ER2-0073: Raygor

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ER4-0075: Vesuvius

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Genotype Proof and Description

A Platnium tier custom purchased during the OSAS event. 

OSAS customs must follow the following rules: 

  1. All have lineage 
  2. all use the point system detailed below 
  3. A max 15 points may be used
  4. All custom slots cost 1, but may incur additional costs for certain species and upgrades.
  5. Up to 5 markings are allowed without the use of Dragon's Blood. 
  6. Up to 3 mutations are allowed to be added 
  7. The following conditions exist for Coat types and marking: 
    1. If Imperial coat is chosen, no mythic mark may be added 
    2. if Angora coat is chosen, no rare mark may be added 
  8. Players must include the OSAS Stage 2 and/or Stage 3 token to be able to add the following:
    1. Stage 2 Token: Rare or Mythic Mark 
    2. Stage 3 Token: Angora or Imperial coat (can be swapped for a rare or mythic marking) 
    3. No Stage 1 token exists 
  9. skills, Breaths, and Aberrant state are not allowed to be applied.


Custom Add on Point breakdowns

Species cost:

  • Rayfin Leviathan: 3 OSAS Gems
  • Cinereous Gryphon: 3 OSAS Gems
  • Noctua Gryphon: 2 OSAS Gems
  • Equila Gryphon: 1 OSAS gem
  • Corvus Gryphon: 1 OSAS Gem

Coat Build:

  • Velour: Free
  • Feathered & Plated: 1 Point
  • Angora: 3 Points
  • Imperial: 4 Points

Coat Color: No combo coats

  • Bronze: Free
  • Tarnished: 1 Point
  • Silver: 2 Points
  • Obsidian: 3 Points

Traits: (Horns/etc)

  • Common Trait: Free
  • Uncommon Trait: One Free, any upgraded +1 Point
  • Rare Upgrade: +2 Points
  • Mythic Upgrade: +3 Points

Markings: (Up to 5 total markings allowed)

  • Common: 2 Free, Rest +1 point. 
  • Uncommon: 1 Free, rest +2 points
  • Rare: +3 points, max of 1
  • Mythic: +4 Points, Max of 1

 Mutations: Up to 3 total

  • Common: 1
  • Uncommon: 2
  • Rare: 3
  • Mythic: 4
5 April 2024, 19:34:13 CDT

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Can be sold

Character Vitality & Items

Level: 4



1100 / 1100

No Pets Added

No Armour Added

No Weapons Added

Trial of Ouroboros
Primordial Rank

  • Orchid's Blessing: Scaled
  • Mark of the Aemon (Sinister)
  • Skill Token: General (Hoarder)
  • Breath Elixir: Wind
  • Breath Elixir: Lightning


Name: Feilian

Gender: Female (she/her)

  • The mount of an imperial family, prized for her feathers resembling ink and wash painting and blue-and-white porcelain.
  • Regal, commanding, not unkind but is used to being treated as royalty. Doesn't expect that from dragons per se, but with gryphons she assumes that they knew who she was.
  • Her riders don't 'ride' her as more of cohabit with her- she has her own room in the palace which she is welcome to stay at, but often unless major events are present and the family asks her to stay, she likes to spend her time in the wilderness as opposed to living with humans the whole time.
  • Trained in battle so she can defend her humans if necessary - she views her humans as 'her hoard' and has a neutral stance on other humans.
  • The palace only raises gryphons so she rarely sees draconic species and she is equal parts intruigued and terrified of them. Especially the big ones.

Full Geno:

Female Vigilant Equila Gryphon | Healthy
T: Imperial Coat, Crescent Eyes, Unicorn Horn, Earless, Quill Tail
G: bb/tt/Ss/nn+nPa/nSc/nAz/nCd/nOse
P: Scaled Azurite Silver with Cloud, Specter, and Pangare