CopperWired CopperWired Lvl: 1

15 October 2020 (3 years ago)

On Hiatus

Here's my thread about this topic






Rikaari obtained her first dragon, Balte, through a cheap selloff in town.  Balte, already an adult, is quick to make herself useful around Rikaari's workplace, an inn located between two large towns.  They get a lot of traffic from merchants and farmers hauling goods to one city or the other.  

Rikaari's second dragon was Surdea, who had been abandoned by one of the inn's many visitors.  They had a rough start to their relationship, with Surdea refusing to believe she had been abandoned, but eventually, the truth made itself clear.  Surdea accepted her fate as a new inn wyvern, and began helping Balte hunt.

Not long after Surdea joined the team, another dragon practically fell into Rikaari's arms.  While out patrolling the land by the inn, she and Surdea stumbled upon a weak wyvern hatchling that had been stolen away from its home by hungry wolves.  They got there just in time to drive the animals away, and Rikaari ended up taking the hatchling home.  

Vija, the third dragon, soon became the closest to Rikaari, being the only wyvern she had raised from such a young age.  Balte and Surdea felt close to Rikaari, but they had nothing like the bond between Rikaari and Vija.  As the burgandy baby grew, she and Riki came to understand each other without even needing words, totally insync in their daily lives.  

Now having three large wyverns living in the inn with her, Rikaari began to develop a taste of wanderlust.  Their short flights for work weren't nearly long enough.  When news came to the city of a great expedition to an undiscovered land, she knew she had to go.  Balte scouted the north, Surdea the shore, and Vija headed into a city in this new land.  

All three found hints of magic and ancient lore scattered across the land. Then upon reconvening, they were beset by an ancient enraged Warden dragon, a species previously unknown to their side of the world.  They fought against it, protecting Rikaari and city before heading home with the loots of their labors.  

Upon her return, Rikaari found her boss all worked up over some problematic wyvern that had moved in in her absence.  A young ravager was tearing up the farmlands and taking out livestock, and, well, it had to go!  At least, that's what the bounty on its head said.  Rikaari had other ideas though, and captured the wyvern alive to attempt to rehabilitate it.

Aziago was Rikaari's fourth wyvern.   His foul attitude and aggression weren't much improved by confinement, and he had to be constantly monitored by the other wyverns, lest he make an escape attempt.  

It was in the midst of this taming process that the Aether Wars began.  Rikaari found herself unable to contribute to the cause, busy as she was dealing with Aziago and the new influx of visitors to the inn.  It turns out that a war gets a lot of people moving, and every one of them needed somewhere to stay. 

It's only now, after things have really calmed down that she's started to see free time again.  Aziago had finally adjusted to his fate of being stuck with Rikaari, and the inn was back to its normal number of visitors.  They even had enough time to participate in the Harvest Festival, earning the group a load of gourds, a lovely feast, and one highly unusual blue pelt.

/ Order of Draconis / Order of Gryphus

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