Zetavior's Character History

MYO Slot Created (Initial upload)
1 month and 4 weeks ago
MYO Design Approved ([#16037])
2 months and 2 weeks ago
MYO Slot Created (Initial upload)
5 months and 1 week ago
Genotype Slot Transferred (Transferred by kastianrogue)
5 months and 1 week ago
MYO Slot Created (Initial upload)
5 months and 1 week ago
MYO Slot Created (Initial upload)
5 months and 2 weeks ago
Genotype Slot Transferred (Transferred by Cryptid-Horror)
5 months and 2 weeks ago
MYO Slot Created (Initial upload)
1 year and 2 months ago
Genotype Slot Transferred (Transferred by HigureGinhane: Adoption July 2023 [Prompt #11114])
1 year and 2 months ago