<a href="https://soulsbetween.com/world/items?name=Carcass: Small Animal" class="display-item">Carcass: Small Animal</a>

Carcass: Small Animal

Category: Openable

Carcass: Small Animal

Category: Openable

Rarity: 2

Artist: Emias@dA

Resale Value: 100 Moon Gems


The carcass of a dead animal, perhaps it can be deconstructed into other items?

Possible Returns:

  1. Decent Meat 
  2. Premium Meat 
  3. Bones
  4. Teeth
  5. Small Animal Claws
  6. Small Animal Horns
  7. Small Animal Pelts
  8. Skull

Uses: Deconstruct to gain items.


Drops From: