<a href="https://soulsbetween.com/world/items?name=Side Quest Scroll: Crucible" class="display-item">Side Quest Scroll: Crucible</a>

Side Quest Scroll: Crucible

Category: Special

Side Quest Scroll: Crucible

Category: Special

Rarity: 2

Artist: Cryptid-Horror

Resale Value: 200 Moon Gems

A side quest for the Crucible. Attach it to your Side quest prompt to use this item and complete the quest. This item can be earned randomly if you fail a crucible or it can be purchased in the Crucible Armory once weekly with Moon Gems.


Side Quest Prompt: 

You suffered a bitter defeat, but a little training should get you back on your feet? Depict your character training for their combat. Are they sparring with another character or perhaps some form of weight lifting? 

This side quest will always return the following loot: 

  • 5 to 10 Crucible coins 
  • Prepared Food Loot

Purchaseable At: