
Resale Value: 500 Moon Gems


Grants the player one Standard Abyssal Custom. Opening this item will grant you a custom in your genotype page, it will be pre filled out with the contents for a standard custom. You may attach dragon's blood or reaver's essence to upgrade the geno - however unlike event customs, you cannot upgrade this custom further.

Standard custom rules are as follows: 

  • Vigilant Temper 
  • Velour Coat
  • 1 Common Trait, 1 uncommon trait 
  • Umber or Haze coat color 
  • 4 common markings, 1 uncommon marking
  • No mutations or Aberrant Status
  • Second Generation Lineage
  • No Skills or Breaths


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[![Standard Custom: Abyssal Basileus](]( Custom: Abyssal Basileus)
Category: Openable
Rarity: 6
Purchaseable At: Abyss of Thorns

Resale Value: 150 Moon Gems

A spice in cooking.

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Category: Materials
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